Designing a home with warmth, depth and soul is about far more than what’s popular or what’s pretty. Trends come and go and fashion can be fickle but if you start at the core, with what you love, you can’t stray far from the path.
Each project starts with a conversation and questionnaire, and I really enjoy discovering more about my clients, their backgrounds, their histories, their passions, and their quirks. It’s these elements that influence and ground the stylistic foundation of their home and the variety is what makes my job so interesting to me.
It’s often a mutual journey of discovery for my clients too and a chance to take the time to explore and define their personal style.
Although there are undeniably many practical and often technical elements that need careful consideration when feathering a nest I’m a firm believer that it should also be a pleasurable process infused with a little fun along the way! The world of interior design sometimes has a reputation for being rarefied and dare I say it…snooty, but though it is without doubt a luxury service the last thing creating a home should be is a daunting minefield of rules and faux pas. In my book, snobs are a bore and authenticity is timeless. A true home is about embracing your individuality, your needs, your desires and your style.